Friday, August 21, 2020

Streaked Mountain

I had my iPhone GoogleMaps on full throttle and my car's GPS going strong, too. Still, I only had a glimmer of an idea where I was as I drove from home to Streaked Mountain near Buckfield, Hebron, and Paris Hill. Obviously, we found it, but while driving I went past views and farms and side roads that I'd never seen before. Pretty cool to discover new places within 25 miles of home. Streaked is a quick, straight up hike that took us 20 minutes to summit and 15 minutes down. On top, we toured around for 15+- minutes looking for just the right view of the White Mountains and any view of Mt. Blue. 
Click on photos to enlarge. 

A new app I have that identifies mountains from the summit. Pretty cool when I can get it to work. 



  1. Just love these photos, Rich. I'm living vicariously on the trail. You and Bailey are such intrepids!
