Monday, May 31, 2021

Shakedown Cruises


"Where to now?"

How do you and your old dog move from a 14-room house to a one-room van? Practice. 

At first, packing up and traveling are just a plain old hassle. Especially in the rain. And the dog treats stink and permeate the van. Yesterday, he ate a long skiing fish stick treat from Bark Box. I hate fish and doubly hate the smell. I also worry about Bailey getting hot spots and being uncomfortable while traveling. Finally, I'm concerned about laundry, though that worry seems just plain silly.  Every little town has a laundry, so why does this get to me?  

Just the other day in the driveway, I tried out the propane stove units for the first time. Slick. Yet, except for heating up stuff in the microwave, I haven't cooked anything in the van. Normally, I pack cold cuts, cheese, a salad, a Diet Coke, and a treat for me. I've also been known to buy a Subway sandwich and eat half for lunch and half for dinner. But when I head out for longer periods, I really need to have a couple of eggs once in a while along with chicken and a bit of read meat. It should't be that hard. But, add in a curious old dog who's always hungry and whose big nose pokes at everything...? 

I'm not convinced that Bailey loves traveling in the van. He sits up front and watches the road for a while and then lies down as seen above. When he's had his fill of that, he climbs down, has a drink of water, and then reclines between the front seats on the floor. Yesterday on our way back from Sugarloaf, he looked relaxed on the floor. We'd just climbed up a mile of steeps up to the snow on the mountain, so he may have been pooped.  

So this past week we've done day trips to Errol NH up toward Canaan VT; the Mahoosucs; the Height of Land in Rangeley; and Sugarloaf. I definitely felt more comfortable--now we need to do a 3- to 4-day trip out to New York. We'll see. 

Usually Bailey faces forward to watch the road. 

Information turnoff just outside Grafton Notch SP

Sugarloaf parking lot after our hike

Outside Grafton Notch SP

Sugarloaf parking lot

Old Speck, Grafton Notch SP

One happy dog on Sugarloaf

There are several large patches of snow left
on the mountain. Usually, they're on steep downs
or in transitions where the snow settles in. 

The Bigelow Preserve. 

Trail signs. 

More of the Bigelow Preserves. 

Rest area near Sugarloaf. 

Dinner at the Height of Land

Never-ever gets old

Sugarloaf in the winter time. 

Random picture of me. 


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