The following was posted on Facebook...
Maggie's happy. I'm sleep deprived. Holy moly.
Winter potty training: now we're up just once a night, but she has an early wake-up call around 5am. Summer potty training was "easy" with Bailey. I didn't need to experience a 6-degree F, 2:30am potty break, but it is what it is. And yes, Maggie loves all the vegetation, her food, her treats, her own poop...and my zipper tags, shoelaces, ears, ski hats, hiking pants, my work-desk's legs, my calves, bathroom towels, whatever... and yes, on occasion, her 33 chew toys.
Socializing: I've done well introducing her to a slew of people and dogs. We visit Tractor Supply for a walk and introductions. When meeting people, she's gentle and has a wagging tail. Maggie's an excellent playmate with dogs and people alike. We hiked Whitecap Mountain twice; it's my go-to here in western Maine. The first trek was a whole half a mile and the second was 1.8 miles, although some tricolored someone got carried a whole lot.
Maggie rides well in the car and van. She's got the funniest expressions and gives endless kisses finished off with a nip.
For 14 years, I walked my late Berner, Bailey Tuckerman, through my neighborhood as a break from my work desk. Bailey had lots of friends here. Afternoons, 3-4 times a week, we hiked the local mountains.
When Bailey died in March, I continued my midmorning walks, and I could tell my neighbors were bereft for me. Nine months later... When I took Maggie for her first walk in the neighborhood on December 15, my neighbors bolted out of their homes to say hello. Some wore shorts and t-shirts at 20 degrees--all had smiles. I'll never forget my neighbors' kindnesses.
Enough for now. It's all good. She's a sweetie, and I need a nap.