Saturday, December 12, 2020

After a day of Zooming... Red Hill at Sunset

Zooming with the School of Learning & Teaching
a.k.a., someone shoot me

The day started off with a Zoom meeting of the Honors College Council. I'm the College of Ed's representative.  I'd read part of the materials sent the day before by the interim dean, but being new to the council, I have a lot of homework to do. Then, we moved into to what we lovingly call a Brown Bag Lunch Research Talk with a professor or student sharing their research for 50 minutes. Finally, a school meeting that could have been an email ;-) We always say that, but there's definitely some advantage to see each other face-to-face, if not just to see who's still alive. And finally, a late-afternoon hike on Red Hill.

                                                               Jeanne and Steve LaPointe

We ran into Jeanne and Steve LaPointe as they trekked down. Steve is in remission from cancer treatments and Jeanne has been a survivor for over 5 years, I believe. And there they are hiking to see a sunset on a local mountain near their home. Good on them. Bailey greeted them at a sprint... fortunately, he didn't knock them over. Jeanne is the school district's food and nutrition director. She also manages food distribution for kids during the summer. Steve, the long-time high school baseball coach and a middle school teacher, is right out there with Jeanne delivering food throughout the River Valley community. We're lucky to have them both.  This is public service in action. 

The view from the top of Red Hill looking out over Black Mountain. 

Well "treated" and up for more. 

The remaining sunset

1 comment:

  1. That's probably the best benefit of Zoom meetings I have seen so far: "there's definitely some advantage to see each other face-to-face, if not just to see who's still alive." Most others, not so good.
