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We've had some pretty rotten weather lately. On Wednesday, after rain showers through the morning, I checked out the radar and saw a break in the action. So, I threw on some hiking cloths, packed a few dog treats, and headed out to Whitecap's Connector trail. We hiked this time--running felt impossible!
I love the artistry of the Whitecap cairns. The trail crew and other hikers have had some fun with the rock markers. My favorite is a Buddha-esque formation near the summit.
Bailey did suck some air on the way up, and I encouraged him to jump in the various puddles and drink from streams. He did. Rolls of thunder and then a light rain came as we headed down the East Andover Parking Lot Trail. On this hike I brought my collapsable LL Bean hiking poles. Naturally, they're metal, so when the thunder began to sound, I thought about lightning rods... and collapsed the poles. I don't have a PhD for nothing!
And so it goes. We were both pooped when we got home, but the Red Sox were on, and dinner was already made: a good evening with well-worn bodies.
My Buddha Cairn on Whitecap's Connector Trail. |
Carins lining the traverse from the Connector to Main Trail. |
Double water falls near the base of the Connector Trail. |
Bailey's cooling mechanism at full function. |
Looking out toward the White Mountains. |
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